dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Indian traditions

HindouismeSikhisme Bouddhisme 
   Jaïnisme   Zoroastrisme 

The religions : India is a secular state, but it was the birthplace of major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, it was also the land of adoption of the followers of Zoroastrianism. A little more than four fifths of the population are Hindu worship.
Almost 12 percent. 100 of the population is Muslim and 2 percent. 100 (mainly in Punjab) belong to the Sikh religion, about 2 p. 100 of the population is Christian, of whom more than half Protestant. Buddhism, meanwhile, appeared in India and developed there, but today less than one hundredth of the population is Buddhist. Jainism also counted many adherents, but is now practiced by 0.5 percent. 100 Indians. Muslim and Christian religions are more known than others in our latitudes, this page will not talk about.

This is one of the largest religion in the world by the number of practitioners estimated at over 800 million, but also because of its influence on other religions. The absence of a founder is one of its characteristics . Hinduism has an extraordinary capacity to absorb foreign elements which contributed to the syncretism of religions. The only way to be is to be Hindu by birth, incorporate other older religions may have been the practical solution to increase the number of the faithful. Hinduism has apparently highly contradictory aspects: one extreme polytheism and high monotheism, worship of animals, their sacrifice and refusal to halt all forms of life. The modern Hinduism as it is practiced in our day, was in a thousand years. He was actively promoted at this time, probably to compete with other religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

This monotheistic religion that rejects the caste system is based on the synthesis of Hinduism and Sufi Islam, but it was also influenced by Christianity. Founded by the mystic Nanak (image above) was born in 1469, she believes that God transcends religious differences, it emphasizes devotion and meditation and his followers practice tolerance and brotherhood. The disciples are concentrated in Punjab state of northwestern India. Men are supposed to join the "Khalsa" (Pure Punjabi) a religious and military fraternity and respect the rule of 5 "K" :
- Let them grow "Kes" (beard and hair)
- Dressing the "Kaach" (short military)
- Carry the "Kirpan" (steel dagger)
- Have a "Kanga" (comb) to be clean and neat
- Wear a "Kara" (steel bracelet) to remove the temptation to be violent
The shoes are prohibited in Sikh temples and there must also cover their heads.

It was around the 6th century BC that Buddhism began to make its mark in India. Its founder is the prince of a small state on the border with Nepal. Siddhartha Gautama left his palace protected at the age of 29 years and discovered the harsh reality of the world, old age, sickness, poverty and death. After seeking peace and a solution to the universal suffering in Hinduism and Jainism, Siddhartha received enlightenment at the age of 35 years at Bodh Gaya. He then became the Buddha "One who is fully awake." Then up "to his death at the age of 80, he preached that the only way out of suffering was the extinction of desires and illusions.Buddhism, although born in India is better known outside the country.
It is tradition to walk in the direction of clockwise around Buddhist buildings, both outside and inside. it is not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol in holy places and it is advisable to learn before taking pictures.

Jainism and Buddhism are contemporaries, both born to the 6th and 5th century BCE. But while Buddhism was going to emigrate and go to India, Jainism would establish itself firmly and exclusively in this country. This religion is present mainly in the north of India. It has only one and a half million followers, but their importance in the economy gives the impression of a greater number.
Jainism is to liberate man from his suffering and the cycle of reincarnation, the faithful believe in respect for life (ahimsa, non-violence literally "), self-denial (especially monks) and are vegetarians. It is schematically composed of two trends. A current or Mahavira founded by Vardhama or Vira, born near Patna is one of the Digambara or "Nudes". Teach his followers advocate a naked ascetic should possess anything. The other school was founded by Parsua (8th century BC), born in Benares and died at Mount Sammeta in Bihar. The result of this current trend Svetambara or "white" because his followers dress in white. The "Nudes" are more legalistic than "whites" and think that women can not be saved.
Jains hate so much violence that the most orthodox wear masks over the mouth to avoid inhaling or kill bacteria. For them, God does not exist in the sense we understand it, is a supernatural being in the image of man. However, we often find the image of Hindu gods in Jain temples.

His faithful followers of Zarathustra which we do not know much. The researchers have great difficulty in determining how much text and Zoroastrian theology which is really due. According to the language used in religious texts, it has been inferred that he had to live in around 600 BCE in eastern Iran. At that time, religion was Mithraism, Zarathustra himself against her because she was not monotheistic, practiced animal sacrifice and allowed the consumption of intoxicating drinks which according to him darkened mind. He discovered the existence of God through his intelligence, he was a thinker and has never claimed to be a prophet is one of the reasons that make Zoroastrianism can be considered a philosophy rather than a religion .
Today, there are about 200,000 Zoroastrians around the world, half live in India and especially in Mumbai. They are called Parsees or Persians and are the descendants of emigrants Iranians who fled Muslim invaders and later during the reign of English, following the Company's South India and developed business with the government and administration of Bombay. Indeed, it was at this time that some families acquire wealth and importance (Sorabji, Modi, Patel, Mehta, Allbless, readymoney, Dadyset, Jejeebhay, Kama, Tata ...). Many of them are known by their participation in the life of the city in areas such as education, industry and charities. They do not adhere to the caste system, have no dietary restrictions, one of them tends to disappear rule is to always have their heads covered and their custom is the best known of practicing the offering of the dead birds of prey in "towers of Silence".

Here are a few temples known :

                                                                                             Hindou (temple of Shri Minakshi)

 Jaïn (Calcuta)

                                                                          Sikh ( Amritsar)

 monastère Bouddhiste (Laddakh)

Sacred Cows :

Cows are sacred because their milk gives strength and health to children and kill them would be sacrilege.

The sacred cow is a term of Western origin to name the phenomenon of religious zoolatry and bestiality against cattle, especially in India. The term Indian is original and Gao Mata (Hindi), that is to say, "Mother Cow" (as the Hindu Goddess is called "Mother Kali" (Kali Mata), etc..) Or "La Vache Mother. "The cow is in effect for India as a "Universal Mother" (cow under the term gaya, also means "sweetness"), because it gives her milk to everyone, even those who are not his calves in India, the cow is not only "sacred" as such - although described by Hindu literature such as the origin and the result of any sacrifice to the gods - it is the sacredness of all creatures. The cow was and is still revered in many cultures and religions throughout the world, most notably Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, as well as the religions of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Ancient Rome.

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